Translation/s: Victory, Perpetuity, Endurance.
Planetary Correspondence : Ruled by Venus
Elemental Correspondence – Water
Physiological Correspondence – Subconcious
Function: The motive for manifestation
Affirmation: “I understand what I want and need”
Medium/s: Emotion / Inspiration
Virtue: Unselfishness.
Visionary Aid: Shepards Star ( which allows us to get our bearings at night )
Netzach on the Pillar of Force represents affective states of consciousness which influence how we act and react: needs, wants, drives, feelings, moods and emotions.
Netzach is “endurance,” the fortitude, and patience to follow through on your passions. It is paired with Hod as the righteous attributes related to group interactivity, with Netzach being leadership, the ability to rally others to a cause and motivate them to act
Netzach is a Sephirah of intuition, sensitivity and feelings. It is the first Sephirah of the Astral Triangle (Netzach-Hod–Yesod).
The power of Netzach in the psychology of humanity represents the instinctual side of nature which complements the intellectual and analytical aspect of mind.
The vision of Netzach is Vision of Beauty Triumphant. It is purely aesthetic and firmly based in the real world of textures, smells, sounds, and colours, an appropriate correspondence for Venus, the goddess of sensual beauty.
The Virtue of Netzach is unselfishness, and its Vice is selfishness. Both the Virtue and the Vice are an attitude towards things-which-are-not-me, specifically, other people and living creatures
Selfishness taken to an extreme is a denial of life, because it denies freedom and life to anything which gets in the way; my needs must come first.
Netzach – Unselfishess. Endurance, Love – Ruled by Venus. The expansion of boundaries, connection with the Oneness.
The victory is of a spiritual nature. Self conciousness which is linked to the luminaire our Sun, which is why we also describe this as self illumination. Here we are looking at the desire nature – this is the game within which the potential for Victory awaits. We all have the capacity to aspire towards something greater, beyond our current experience or circumstances and that capacity is fueled by desire. Desire is an emotive force which initiates and generates movement toward that which we aspire .
direct one’s hopes or ambitions towards achieving something.
rise high; tower. literary
When we connect with a desire we are charging an image: hope visualized, set upon the altar of our beingness.
Desire wants to overcome limitations, just as an electrical arc is driven to overcome a gap in connectivity.
Our experiences are a manifestation of how we cultivate and express our desire nature. A small ( but not insignificant ) Victory here is in cultivating our desire nature to focus in on that which brings us more closer to beauty, lovingness ( remember Netzach is ruled by Venus ) and fulfillment – that which is worthwhile. What is worthwhile ? Aspiring to be conscious agents for the primal will to good, which eternally creates and sustains the universe.
This process primes us in readiness for a larger victory. The capacity to see everything as an aspect of Oneness – even experiences that may appear to undermine our efforts in expressing the primal will to good. The key here is Major Arcana XVI – The Tower, where we are knocked from the tower of isolation, falling from our aspirations back to the ground to build again. The circumstances that bring about the fall are not arbitrary, they must eliminate the structure we have been building which we come to realize no longer support our aspirations, which may have become outdated obscured or distorted. With some reflection, we may come to see the tower we were building was not fully in alignment with our conscious will to good. So the fall is a reset of consciousness, preparing us for the act of creating anew, and, if we are willing, as more committed agents of the primal will to good. Aspiration something beyond requires us to overcome the conditions that currently exist. In this light the fall from The Tower, whilst seemingly shocking ( but possibly only because we have been knocked out of the tower by a lightning bolt, rather then choosing to jump from our own volition ) can be seen as a blessing. Victory is in seeing and loving everything as an aspect of God.