I Invite You…

To a gathering on the eve of my 38th Birthday

Greetings to you all.

Let’s begin with the Why. The actual Why lies well beyond the surfacial Why. Which, by the way (by the Why?), is a gathering I invite you to on the 3rd of August – the almost anniversary of my 38th birthday, marking 38 Earthly orbits of the Sun which, according to our great infallible lord Science, adds up to a lineal distance traversed around Sol of no less than 357 billion km’s in this lifetime alone. 

357 billion km’s ago, I had know idea I would be writing this invitation to land together at Epoch Grove, a 42 ish acre Olive Grove at 30 Stoddart Rd, Mt Camel VIC Australia anytime on the 3rd of August from 3pm. See what I did there? Now here, I do have a bit of a picture of what lies ahead. So, on this gathering, I visualize a meal together around sunset. After the meal, if Gaia conspires, as is the tendency, we will light a fire and share time in the Sanctuary. There is every possibility it will be a clear night, presenting us with a great opportunity after dark to watch stars and space, dream and converse around the fire.   

Please come for as long or as little as you like. Please bring as much or as little as you can carry. Both approaches have myriad consequences, seen and unseen. So, as my teacher implores: choose any note, as long as it’s the right note. 

Unlike my mystifying (and generous) teacher, I’ll provide some Clues: 

Food = Yum

Gift = Unnecessary but appreciated. *

Blow-Up Dragon = Interesting but contingent on us having reliable power supply (lest we take turns and blow it up ‘manually’. Could be Fun ).     

On the day of this celebration we will be anticipating the convergence of the energising, illuminating creative activity of the Sun silhouetting the receptive, reflective, listening of the Moon. It’s my hope that this meeting brings us deeper into the powerful space that awaits our embodiment between these dynamic forces of nature. 

Fun Fun. See you t/here ? No need to RSVP, although I’ll put a button below anyway.

Some Practicalities : We have some space available to host guests – those seeking beds and those seeking camping space. Feel free to email or comment below if you are a seeker.

*Correction. Our Gifts are inseperable from our Person. Please don’t leave these behind.  

3 responses to “I Invite You…”

  1. Bec pillari Avatar
    Bec pillari

    Van space pls 🙂 can’t wait!!! Will have dog and cat with me (is anyone allergic to cats??)

    1. M Faisandier Avatar

      Van space is yours!
      Yes, Erin. However, a ‘wild’ cat (Luna) chose to live with us so we are working that out. Will the cat’s get along ? I hope so

      1.  Avatar

        Bean is a massive chiller, i reckon theyll be sweet! Literally cat version of Billie. He will probably spend most of the time sleeping in my van, can see if luna and bean get along but otherwise itll just be little walks around the van on a harness , he’s still a kitten so nothing major 🙂

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